Experience culture in the Noordwijk area

Keukenhof (Lisse)
Stationsweg 166a
2161 AM Lisse
Telefoon: 0252 - 465 555
Website: www.keukenhof.nl

Flower viewing (Voorhout)
Panorama Tulipland
Jacoba van Beierenweg 79
2215 KV Voorhout
Telefoon 0252 222 777
Website : www.tulipland.nl/

Museum (Noordwijk)
Regional museum Veldzicht
Herenweg 114Z
2201 AL Noordwijk
Telefoon (071) 361.40. 48
Website www.museumnoordwijk.nl

Museum Engelandvaarders / war museum
Museum Englandvaarders tells the story of the soldiers of Orange. More than two thousand Dutch people - often between the ages of 18 and 35 - made a difficult journey across the North Sea or through neighboring countries to join the Allied armies in England.
Museum Engelandvaarders
Bosweg 15
2202 NX Noordwijk aan Zee